Hi...I'm Luna! Welcome to my blog.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Super Sized!

I know, I know...it's been far too long since my last post.  I am again blaming it on my Mom, as I can't post without her help...bad Mom. To make up for the weeks and weeks without a new post, I am going to make this one a Super Sized Post! (I wish Mom would give us Super Sized meals, but she keeps us on a strict amount to keep our girlish figures).  A lot has been going on here at my house! My sister Minnie (the two-legged wonderdog) had to have 14 teeth pulled...ouch. She now looks like she sat in the front row at a hockey game and a teeny tiny puck hit her square in the front teeth. She didn't feel too good for a day or so after her dental surgery, but she is now back to her barky annoying self. I am going in to have my teeth cleaned next week at the Vet, I hope I don't lose any of my pearly whites! Here's a picture of Minnie right after her tooth surgery, she looks pretty sad.
Minnie still groggy from surgery and in a lot of pain :(
Minnie feeling tons better!
Action photo of Minnie in her new socks...specially
made for dogs with traction on the bottom so she
doesn't slip on the tile floor.

Mom and Dad went away on another short trip, so Grandma & Grandpa (and big Uncle Hershey) came over from Spokane to take care of us again. I don't have any pictures, but we had tons of fun going for lots of walks on the trail and getting spoiled.

The biggest news around here is that we have a new member of the pack! Her name is Ellie. Everyone says she looks a lot like me except she's all black.
Here she is....Miss Ellie! (aka Bat Girl)
We do make a cute pair, if I do say so myself! She is a rescue that Mom & Dad adopted about 5 weeks ago. She is a bit timid and doesn't know how to play very well, but I'm hoping after hanging out with me for a while, she'll come out of her shell.  She and I get along great and it's so fun to have a sister/best friend to take walks with, nap with, go on car rides with...just hang out with! We are two peas in a pod.
Got ears?
Nap time.
I wanted to check out Ellie's crate too!
Check out our new dual leash! We sort of walk
each other!
Enjoying a little sun on the deck...it's a dog's life.

In summary, life here is good!  We went on a big hike today (first one since my last post...the rainy weather has really put a damper on our hiking adventures).  I will post a separate blog about that soon (really, I promise).

Hope everyone is off to a great Summer...happy tails to all!